World of Meh!

The website about nothing (and everything!)

What’s Wrong With You Guys?

Posted by lindsey On July - 1 - 2009

Thanks to WordPress, we can view what people searched for that led them to our blog. I must say, some of you guys/gals are sick puppies lol

Here are the top search results of all time for our blog (yes, I know that it’s not as many results compared to most blog sites but we are still growing):

Search Results Part 1

Search Result Part 2

Now some of those are nothing, however if I run a search for the top results for the past 30 days, that is when things start to get interesting:

Search Result Part 3

Search Result Part 4

Search Result Part 5

So, at least we know who our target audience is. They like zombies, a little om nom nom action, hairy men, knowing more about hairy men, the vagina of Silk Spectre, and who could live without Dr. Manhattans big blue donggy schlong?

Thank you readers for making our “Search Result” stats something to look forward to. Keep it going with the freaky shit, and we will keep writing about it!

- She Who Has The Last Word

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