Archive | Books & Comics

Axel Alonso Is Marvel Comics’ New Editor-In-Chief

In a surprise move, the longtime editor of such classic titles as Hellblazer, The Punisher, Amazing Spider-Man and X-Men has been promoted to the job currently held by Joe Quesada, who will be focusing on his position as Chief Creative Officer. Read the full story

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Marvel - Fear Itself

Moments ago, Marvel did a live-streamed press conference announcing a new seven issue series, Fear Itself, starting in April of 2011 with a preview in March 2011, starring Captain America and a few others back in World War II. Brought to life by Matt Fraction, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Laura Martin, this seven-issue series will run $3.99 per issue, except for the larger-than-normal first and last issues. Read the full story

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Geek Thought of the Week: Rudolph and The Marvel Universe

In which we ponder how the world that fears those that are different would react to a red nosed reindeer. Read the full story

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Holiday Gift Guide: Comics

Are you looking for a gift for the holidays for that special someone? Perhaps the cousin you know LOVES Batman, but you’re not really all too sure what the “in” items are this holiday season? Well, that’s where I come in! Check out this holiday guide full of comic ideas for Nov/Dec! Let’s admit it, if you’re reading this, you’ve already admitted you’ve got a little geek in you! So, why not embrace it, grab some hot cocoa, and curl up next to the fire to a good comic book, yourself?!

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Robert E. Howard: A look at the Adaptions of the Father of Sword and Sorcery

Interesting fact about me: I’m a writer. I have one completed novel I’m trying to find an agent for, and I’m working on the second one as well. I’ve also collected a few short stories to release as an anthology on the Amazon Kindle called Wandering Djinn. And the one question that every writer will inevitably be asked is “Who are your influences?” A lot of writers (especially those who write in the realm of fantasy like me) like to mention H.P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu mythos, or Tolkien and his Middle-Earth stories. Me, I take more of a shine to the works of the great Robert E. Howard. Howard was a Texan born on January 22, 1906, and died on June 11, 1936, due to suicide by shotgun after the loss of his mother to a coma that would claim her life after his death. Howard was… an interesting man. He boxed, dabbled in bodybuilding, and wanted to be a writer since he was nine, finding success when he turned 23. In the short career he had, he managed to create a new genre, the Sword and Sorcery genre. This, in turn, led to the birth of Heroic Fantasy. Howard’s influence is rivaled only by Tolkien, who created the genre of High Fantasy. Howard’s creations led to some of the greatest adaptions that my childhood self had ever seen, leading me on the path to writing. So, let’s take a look at those adaptions, and see how they stack up.

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Comic Book Deaths And The Stupidity That Is Killing Super Hero Comics

You may have heard that Marvel is going to kill Spider-Man. Except that they aren’t. We know that by now, right? Its all a sham, a way to boost sales. Things will return to the status quo eventually, everybody will have a good laugh and they’ll forget all about it. So why do they keep doing things like this? And why do we keep buying them? Read the full story

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Fist of the North Star: A Guide/Retrospective for newbies

With the release of Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage, it can come as a shock to a lot of anime fans like me that Kenshiro’s epic story may not be known to a lot of modern young people. While I could just complain about how this makes me feel old before my 30′s, I instead will take this opportunity to offer a primer for people, as well as relive my love for one of the greatest pop culture phenomena to come out of Japan. Read the full story

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Spider-Man: Torment, 20 years later

20 years ago, Todd McFarlane, comic artist extraordinaire, was given an amazing opportunity: to not just draw, but write his own Spider-Man book. The comic, simply titled Spider-Man, was designed as a book to sell trade paperbacks. Back then, comics that filled a whole book with one storyline was a rarity. So the question is, does Torment, the debut story of the comic, hold up two decades afterwards, despite its high sales? Read the full story

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Assassin’s Creed: The Fall

As a fan of Assassin’s Creed, I can’t believe that I had no idea that a comic was coming out. I guess it’s partially due to the fact that I’m waiting impatiently for AC: Brotherhood to come out on November 16th. However, 6 days before that on the 10th, fans of the games can sink their teeth into the first of a new three issue series that takes place in in Russia.

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Deadpool Script Draft Review

Deadpool is one of my favorite characters in comics. When he’s written by someone who knows how to write him, Deadpool is the most entertaining super-whatever you will ever encounter. His never-shuts-up personality puts Spider-Man to shame, and the fourth wall is just a formality to him. From performing a Shoryuken on Kitty Pryde in order to piss off Wolverine, to acknowledging thought boxes on comic pages, to dance-fighting a villain that can mimic his fighting abilities, Deadpool is a barrel of laughs with a very loosely built moral compass and an unerring talent for pop-culture references. Unfortunately, terrible things were done to him by the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie that made me worry for a very long time about the announced Deadpool spin-off. Read the full story

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About Marooners’ Rock

Everyone grows up; this is how the world works. Just because we grow decrepit and old, however, does not mean we have to forsake the things that make us happy, childish though they may seem. This is the core concept of Marooners’ Rock; we geek out on the things of our past, present, and future. Society and cultural norms be damned!

For more detail, please see our About page.