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Twitter Trending Topic - Eclipse Soundtrack

Posted by chris On June - 2 - 2010

Have you ever witnessed a moment in time that has been so profound that it went on to define your entire life?  I have just experienced such a moment.  Brace yourselves, people, because this is a big one: The Twlight Eclipse Soundtrack is available to preview in its entirety, today only, for FREE!  HOLY FUCK!

At approximately 10:00 am today, the official Twilight Twitter account tweeted the heart-stopping, corpse re-animating news!  For 24 hours (starting from 10:00am today, I assume), the entire Twilight Eclipse soundtrack is available online for us to listen to, at no cost whatsoever!  As soon as I get home, I’m going to run a nice, soothing bubble-bath, light some candles, start streaming the Twilight Eclipse soundtrack, slip in, close my eyes, and start dreaming about Edward, Jacob, and Bella, triple-teaming the FUCK out of me!  I CAN’T WAIT!

Oooooooh, yeah.  That’s the stuff.

-[insert DIGNITY here]

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