And ANOTHER fantastic Giveaway.
This will have the same rules as our Harry Potter Giveaway, but obviously the prizes will be different.
How do you enter to win? POST A COMMENT!
For the next 24 hours (8 PM PST 7/25/09 – 8:00 PM 7/26/09) when you comment on this blog, it counts as an entry. Please do not spam the hell out of this post, but do feel free to discuss the DS, it’s other games, and even all of the Zelda games.
Want more entires? DONATE!
We are trying to help raise money for our charity, Reading is Fundamental, so when you donate to our charity that counts as an entry.
Again, the same twist is included like with HP - if you donate $1.00 to our cause, it will count as 10. $2.00 will get you 20 entries, $3.00 will get you 30.. etc.
Ok… now to the prize. This time, there is only one prize to be won so give it your all. You are free to enter in this giveaway along with the HP one so don’t worry, however you can only win one of them… not both.
The winner gets a Nintendo DS Duo Case Pack w/ special Stylus.
They work with both regular DS and DS Lite, so don’t worry
The contest is only available to people who live in the CONTINENTAL United States. Sorry Hawaii and Alaska, it costs too much to ship there. Sorry to all of the other countries too.
The winner will be announced Monday afternoon at 1:00 PM PST so please check back then to see if you won. The winner will need to contact us within 48 hours via email (that is provided on our site) with appropriate mailing information.
Good luck, spread the word, have fun posting, and thank you in advance for helping out our charity!
- She Who Has The Last Word
ok for eral…I would rather all my points go towards this than a harry potter thing
I seriously am a zelda NUT
though I have a DSI, I am sure I could use these when I get another DS lite
did anyone else think wind waker was still better, dispite its shortcomings, than TP, seriously…am i the only one that thought Twilight princess was a pos
Just checking in! How are things going?
Sadly, I do not have a DS. Maybe I should go post in the Harry Potter thread..
I totally just gave my only 5 bucks to the pledge ^_^
I am borke with like 30 cents left to my name, but I love reading and it is a good thing too, cuz otherwise, how would I know where to go in my FF games???
I do haz a DS, and would love a Zelda cover
did everyone just go to bed already????
I am going to bed in a few hours
I will read all when I get up
[...] and Lindsey also have some fun participation activities they’re doing as well: They’re giving away a Zelda DS game to one lucky commenter, and a Harry Potter givewaway that includes a Half-Blood Prince video game [...]