So right now… it is… *looks at clock in lower right corner of monitor* 3:01. We finally got home. The car with the gifts has been unloaded, I have used the restroom, got out of my uncomfortable dress, and am sitting in the chair at my desk - with the bed directly behind me.
The bed beckons me. It says “Lindsey, come lay in me. I am so comfy. You love me so much, and I love you too.”
Must. Resist. Bed.
With like 3 more hours to go, I don’t know how we are going to do it. Chris wanted to fall asleep at the wheel (safety first!) and I feel like I got hit with a ton of bricks.
Nobody wanted to leave his Moms house! They stayed, and kept talking, and saying bye takes like an hour for each person. It’s ridiculous.
Of course we stayed a little afterwards to help pick stuff up and what not because she went through a lot of trouble doing all of that for us, but man oh man… the Sandman sure is looking good right now.
I will keep on going. Even if I have to set an alarm to wake me at ever 20 and 50 minutes after every hour I will. It can be the Mentos jingle for all I care.
Hell… it can be the fucking Zuma Zuma song.
- She Who Has The Last Word