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WoW, just WoW

Posted by lindsey On June - 21 - 2009

Normally I don’t look at links that are posted on Twitter, but when I saw a recent post from Ashton Kutcher about a kid having a love for World of Warcraft… my curiosity was intrigued. At first I thought that it was going to be just another video of some poor kid sitting in front of his computer, getting his jollies off to a female WoW character. What I got was far better than I could’ve ever imagined.

The video starts off where a younger brother is speaking into a camera, telling the viewer that his mother just cancelled his older brothers WoW subscription. Before the other brother can go into his bedroom, the kid leaves the camera on a piece of furniture so that his fit can be recorded… and what a fit it was.

- She Who Has The Last Word

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One Response to “WoW, just WoW”

  1. [...] of you might remember my post from 6 days ago about the kid freaking out that his Mom cancelled his World of Warcraft account. [...]

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