The Pillars of Creation, the seventh installment of the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, is the first in the series not to prominently feature the regular characters of the first six books.
In The Pillars of Creation, we are introduced to some new characters whose storylines will dominate most of the book. Jennsen and Sebastian are first escaping the assassins of “Lord Rahl”, then joining Jagang and the Imperial Order, setting out to assassinate Richard Rahl. Oba is discovering that he has a great deal of strength and power, and is seeking answers and riches. Though neither knows it, Jennsen and Oba are half-siblings to each other, as well as to Richard Rahl. It is discovered that Jennsen and Oba are known as “Pillars of Creation”, meaning that they have no spark of magical ability in them whatsoever. This is a rarity in a world where almost every living being has at least a miniscule spark of magic within them. This story sets up for the eighth book in the series, Naked Empire, which delves deeper into the world of the ungifted.
-[insert revolutionary thinking here]