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Lindsey’s Surprise Birthday Party

June 28th, 2009

Lindsey’s birthday is tomorrow (Monday, June 29th), but I threw her birthday party yesterday (Saturday, June 27th).  The party was a surprise, and went off fairly well.  I took Lindsey out to run some errands, and left her copy of the house key under the mat for one of my friends.  They came by, let everyone in, put the cake in the freezer, and waited for our return, where they yelled “Surprise!”.  Unfortunately, only three people were ON TIME, so it was a rather disappointing yell, but it was a surprise nonetheless!  Lindsey’s reaction was, “How the hell did you guys get in my apartment!?”

We had pizza, an amazing cake from Cold Stone Creamery, and, eventually, some of our friends!  We ate the pizza.  We ate the cake.  Then we opened the presents.

I got her a Mario bobblehead and a Yoshi bobblehead to go with her Bowser bobblehead.

Chris and Kelly (leftybrown & mrsleftybrown) got Lindsey a game, The Orange Box, for the Xbox 360.  But wait!  We don’t own a 360!

Except for the one my mother got us for her birthday and mine (mine isn’t until October, so it’s an early gift).  Unfortunately, the Xbox 360 Elite only comes with one controller.  This is where Chris & Kelly really saved the day.  They suggested we head in to GameStop with some games we didn’t want, and do a trade-in.  We grabbed eight or nine games, and were on our way.  They offered to pick up the balance, but luckily, it wasn’t necessary!  Our trade-in value was over $53, which was just a dollar and change short of a brand new Xbox 360 Elite controller!

Back to playing now.  Bye bye.

-Because I said so

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