Ever since Microsoft Kinect was unveiled at E3, many sites have been speculating on the price. The consistent rumor was that it would be at, or around, $150.00, and today it was confirmed.
Weekly Retro Review: Sonic CD
When the CD-ROM technology first appeared, game developers got all kinds of insane ideas. Due to the storage space it opened up, they figured that they could put all sorts of little movies on them. This is how Full Motion Video or FMV came into being on games. And Sega managed to utilize this technology, [...]
nail’d Details Have Arrived!
nail’d is on it’s way to distribution, and while gamers everywhere wait patiently, we have the full achievement and trophy list, DLC information and screenshots to share with you! Share and Enjoy:
Put a little Steampunk on your iPad or iPhone this Christmas
Almost every child heard the famous Charles Dickens novel A Christmas Carol while growing up. Disney famously retold the story with Mickey and the gang, it’s hit the big screen with various actors like Jim Carrey, and now it’s coming to the iPhone and iPad! Share and Enjoy:
Call of Duty: Black Ops surpasses $650 Million sales
They’ve done it again. Call of Duty: Black Ops has broken box office, book and video game five-day sales records with Microsoft announcing a record 2.6 Million unique players and a staggering 5.9 Million multiplayer hours logged by the end of launch day. Share and Enjoy:
Review: Avenue Flo: Special Delivery for PC
Having never played the original Avenue Flo PC game, I honestly was under the assumption that I would be playing another game similar to Cooking Dash, Diner Dash, and Wedding Dash. It took less than 30 seconds for the game to show me that what I was playing focused more on the characters in the [...]
The Cowboys And Aliens Trailer Comes In Guns Blazing
Daniel Craig. Harrison Ford. The wild west. Aliens. Cowboys with alien ray gun things. Really, do I have to say anything else to make you want to watch this thing? Share and Enjoy:
Get Sand in your Pants in A World of Keflings
Oh yes! Today NinjaBee Games released screenshots for their third kingdom in the hotly anticipated XBLA game, A World of Keflings. Months ago when the trailer came out I almost died from excitement, so these new screenshots are sure to make me bounce off the walls. Share and Enjoy:

Watch The Green Lantern Trailer Ya Poozer!
I tried to not watch this until I saw Harry Potter tonight. I wanted to see it first at midnight on the big screen. I have failed. Share in my failure, will you? Share and Enjoy:
Amazon Lightning Deals for Xbox 360
On Amazon today, take advantage of some amazing deals on Xbox 360 games!
Mega Man Universe Teaser Trailer Released
Hot off of last weeks announcement, today Capcom released the teaser trailer for Mega Man Universe.
iPhone 4 Reception Demonstration Reaction
Last week, Apple held a short-notice press conference regarding the antenna-based reception problems of the new iPhone 4. During this press conference, the results of a competitor comparison were presented, showing that the iPhone 4 reception issue is not unique to the iPhone 4, but that it is, in fact, found in many other leading smartphone devices from various manufacturers. Needless to say, those manufacturers have stepped forward with commentary.
Weekly Game Deals: Sunday Paper Edition
More Raffle Prizes Courtesy of Mumbo Jumbo Games!
Thanks to our friends at Mumbo Jumbo Games, we now have more goodies to give away during our One Love for Chi/Blogathon raffle coming up on the 31st! If you own a PSP, you should be getting excited. Not only has Mumbo Jumbo donated three great PSP games, but they have given us three copies of each!
Day one DLC for Mafia II detailed
2K Games has announced today that on release day, there will be a couple DLC packages available for download. The Betrayal of Jimmy will be available exclusively for the PlayStation 3 and will be available as a free download to those who purchase the game brand new with a voucher code. For those who don’t, it will be available for $9.99 (rough estimate- £7.99).
Rock Band latest update- The Stooges and Bad Religion
Another week, another Rock Band update; this time we’re seeing Bad Religion and The Stooges content delivered to online stores on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii.
Drastic Measures
A few days ago, we implemented a major change to World of Meh. We had originally enforced registration for commenting because of the deluge of spam we knew we would receive if we took no proactive action. Being lazy people, we decided to enforce registration so that we wouldn’t have to combat spam. Unfortunately, we failed to take into consideration the laziness of the Internet at large, and our comment numbers suffered for it (no offense, you lazy bastards). We did keep an approval system in place, so that these spam comments wouldn’t overflow onto the articles. Hopefully the approval lag isn’t a bother for any of you.