Fans of the Assassins Creed franchise will be happy to know that, starting tomorrow, the Xbox Live Gold Member Deal of the Week features some nicely discounted goodies for Assassins Creed II.
For the low, low price of 160 Microsoft Points, you can purchase the Da Vinci’s Flying Machine Avatar prop.
For only 240 Microsoft Points, players can choose between getting some nifty Guard Armor for your Avatar, Sequence 12: Battle of Forli DLC, or Sequence 13: Bonfire of the Vanities DLC. In Battle of Forli, Ezio joins Machiavelli and Caterina Sforza to defend the town of Forli from the Orsi Brothers. Not only will you help prevent an item from falling into the hands of the Templars, but you also gain access to six new memories, and pilot Leonardo Da Vinci’s flying machine. In Bonfire of the Vanities, you are still with Machiavelli, but this time you are trying to save the city of Florence from the clutches of a crazy monk named Savonarola. In Vanities, you’ll gain twelve new memories, the chance to explore a new district in Florence, and a new move, the sprint jump.
Finally, for 400 Microsoft Points, you can get Sequence 13: Bonfire of the Vanities along with the three Templar secret locations that were previously only available by purchasing the Collectors Edition: Palazzo Medici, Santa Maria Dei Frari, and Arsenal Shipyard.
For those of you who don’t own a copy of Assassins Creed II, but loved the first, well then I have some good news for you - GameStop currently has the game, brand new for only $19.99, saving yourself $20.00. I’m not sure if this deal is only good for online, but if it is, the game should ship out 24 hours after ordering it.
Happy gaming!
- Me
I always wait till games are on sale though, full price is just too much
Agreed. We got ACII for $6.99 used at Blockbuster, but $19.99 new is a fantastic deal. AC was a great game (I still have to beat it), and I can’t wait to pop in ACII.