I am an experienced time traveler. Unfortunately, triggering my travels through time is beyond my conscious control. I must rely on external factors to throw me into the past. Yesterday, one such external factor threw me back to an arcade  in Oklahoma City in the early 1990s. Yesterday, I picked up my Xbox 360 controller [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Decimation X3’
Review: Score Rush (XBLIG)
I realize I’ll probably draw some scorn for this, but I never really got into Geometry Wars. There was just something about it that turned me off, and I’m not entirely sure what it was. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was how enemies could spawn anywhere on the screen, instead of coming from [...]
Review: Decimation X3 (XBLIG)
I love old games. I generally dislike attempts at remaking old games, or reusing the mechanic of old games, because it is hardly ever an improvement on the memory and feel of the original game. Incidentally, I feel the same about TV shows and movies, but that’s off topic. Back on topic, a simple, classic [...]
Xona Games - New Titles Released!
As a Canadian, it only seemed fit that I write about an up-and-coming Canadian indie development company, Xona Games, who will be releasing two new titles this coming week - Decimation X3 and Score Rush!
Xbox Live: Indie Games Winter Uprising
After a busy summer with a successful Summer of Arcade season, XBLA has called upon a swarm of Indie developers to keep our hands toasty throughout the winter months with the launch of Indie Games Winter Uprising.