Call of Duty: Black Ops w/ Laser Cell Unboxed

Get it while it’s hot!

The unboxing of Call of Duty: Black Ops with Laser Cell Art bonus from Amazon pre-order. 100,000 lucky folks received this added incentive to pick up what is possibly the largest entertainment launch of all time (that’s right bigger than MW2 most likely, though the numbers haven’t had time to propagate just yet).

If you enjoy this video, be ready for a massive influx of game-play footage soon to come from yours truly. You can stay tuned right here and enjoy it all!

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2 Responses to “Call of Duty: Black Ops w/ Laser Cell Unboxed”

  1. Austin says:

    HE OPENED IT?!? I leave all things in the plastic, at least he made the others more valuable

  2. Sean says:

    SWEEEEET I pre-Ordered it from Amazon

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