Twilight vs. Harry Potter

Browsing around on Youtube, I came across this video that made me laugh so damn hard. It’s from RecklessTortuga, a sketch comedy group from Los Angeles. If you are a fan of either Twilight (gag) or Harry Potter (yay!), be sure to watch this video (it also pretty much solidifies my reasons for NOT wanting to watch Twilight).

For more RecklessTortuga, check them out on Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. If you do check them out on Youtube, I highly suggest you watch their “Psycho Girlfriend” videos. I will be blogging about those sometime this week. Absolutely hilarious!

- She Who Has The Last Word

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One Response to “Twilight vs. Harry Potter”

  1. [...] of the story spoiled, then I suggest you read no further.  Instead, why not read Moral Kombat, Twilight vs. Harry Potter, or about Tweetdeck on the [...]

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