New Bulletstorm Screenshots Released

Today has definitely been a busy day for video game fans, and it seems that the news is going to keep on coming. Four new Bulletstorm screenshots have been released, so, for those of you who are eagerly awaiting this sweet FPS from EA & Epic Games, hopefully this satiates you all until February 22nd, 2011.

The first two screenies show us the single player campaign, and I’ll be honest in saying that I don’t know much about the story. I just know that I want to play it and shoot things. Frankly, I don’t see how that’s a bad thing, but anyways… the screenies. First screenshot is of Outskirts. There are some pretty crazy dudes wielding some pretty big guns, and it reminds me a bit of Borderlands (which is a compliment in case you’re wondering). Second single player screenshot is The Dam. This one is a lot darker and has a guy looking a bit like Marvel’s Red Skull on the left, while a dude on the right is kicking some poor soul into fire. All I can say about The Dam is that I sincerely hope I can crane kick random baddies into the inferno. That would be awesome.

The second batch of screenshots show us Anarchy Mode. The first one, Bloody Symphony, shows a gorgeous and colorful outdoor setting somewhere surrounded by rocks. In the middle of the screen there is a bit of text telling you how many enemies you have left to kill along with a bit of points showing how many you’ve been awarded along with the maximum amount you can get. In the second, Dead Rock, no action or game play is shown, but instead we see a group of heavily armored individuals carrying some specially decorated guns.

All four screenshots look fantastic, and what looks even better is the trailer featuring “Hey Man, Nice Shot” by Filter. I am in no way a fan of the Gears series, but I am genuinely looking forward to Bulletstorm. It should kick some serious ass.


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