Free Beta for EverQuest II Extended

Sony Online Entertainment has released the online beta for EverQuest II Extended. And guess what? It’s free!  

EverQuest II Extended will have both a subscription service and a free-to-play version. For the first time in MMO history, both versions of the game will be running parallel to each other.

EverQuest II Extended is a little different than EverQuest II in that it has tiered subscription levels, allowing each of the four levels different limits for races, characters, guild functions, level caps and so much more! For all you PC experts out there, you’ll probably also be happy to know EQII Extended uses a new web-bases streaming application so you can access the game much, much quicker.

The beta was scheduled for release on August 19, with the Platinum Membership made available on August 31.  So, really what I’m saying is – if you haven’t already made your way over to EverQuest II Extended, you better have a great excuse!

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