EA Studio Showcase: Shank

Shank, announced at Penny Arcade Expo 2009 and debuted at E3 2010, has received an official release date and a few additional details.  Klei Entertainment will be releasing Shank for download via PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade on August 24th and August 25th, respectively, at a price of $14.99 PSN / 1,200MSP XBL.

I love 2D gaming.  I love the simplicity of it.  Sit me down in front of Contra, and I’ll be happy for hours (or, if I haven’t used “the code”, frustrated and enraged for hours).  Shank looks like it’ll make me happy.  In addition to the classic 2D brawler format, you have a unique and appealing artistic style, and award-winning game writer Marianne Krawczyk (God of War) creating the story.  This looks like it’ll hit the trifecta of good gaming: gameplay, graphics, and story.

Shank will be primarily a single player game, but a special local co-op mission has been included as a prequel to the story of the main game.  While true local co-op would have been preferable, some is better than none!

As an added bonus, those who were present at the Showcase got special in-game render art of themselves holding a weapon of their choice by the game’s lead artist!  Now that’s a souvenir!

-[insert GOD DAMN CONTRA here]

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