Age of Empires Online Announced

Microsoft has today announced and revealed a trailer for the next game in one of their most popular franchies, Age of Empires, with Age of Empires Online.

But you’ll have to excuse me if I sound a little underwhelmed.

Microsoft has even given us a trailer and, with the timing of the announcement just before Gamescom 2010, I’d be expecting some more details to come in the future.

On paper this sounds like a great idea. Great RTS gameplay that’s keeps playing and evolving even when you’re not online.

My problem? The art style. It gives me nightmares.

Check out the trailer below and if you’re interested, go ahead and sign-up for the beta. I know I will be.

Let’s just really hope the Facebook type graphics aren’t a precursor for Facebook type gameplay.

Quick edit:

The online play is going to be free, but there’s no word on the price for the game itself. I’d imagine it’d be a budget game. I hope it actually does cost something so it won’t be compared to Farmville. But it’s too late for that. The internets are ragings.

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