
Posts Tagged ‘Watchmen’

Watchmen… the epically long review

March 12th, 2009

I’ve been putting this review off for almost a week now so I suppose I should probably get on it.

Many of you know that Chris and I saw Watchmen last week at the local Midnight Premiere and we were blown away. Chris has already put up a review and although it was brief, he mentioned some things I will be going more in depth about.

There will be spoilers in this post so if you haven’t seen the movie then don’t read it…but the graphic novel has been out for over 20 years so if what I say comes as a spoiler to you then I am not to blame :)

When the lights finally went down everybody inside the theatre got pumped. We were treated to a new Wolverine trailer, in which my fears about Gambits character were reinforced, a Star Trek trailer, a trailer for a new Seth Rogen movie, and something else that I can’t remember.

Then the good stuff began. I should warn you that there are going to be a massive amount of photographs in the rest of this blog, but I hope you enjoy them. Also, if they magically are gone after a few days then you know that we got some email from Warner Bros. threatening us to take them down lol.

The opening credits were awesome. It gave us backstory on the prior super heroes in their world, The Minutemen. Here we saw the struggles in America before the 80’s along with what the Minutemen were doing. They let us get familiar with the characters without having to devote an entire half hour to them and without any dialogue.

After the credits were done, the first thing that was shown was The Comedian (played by Jefferey Dean Morgan). I couldn’t have imagined a better casting choice to portray him. From the beginning of the movie and throughout it he was consistent. What we saw was the attack on the Comedian in his home that resulted in his death. From his death a downward spiral began and the rest of the movie plays off of it. I will say that I was surprised, in a good way, over the fight scene. Chris didn’t like how they were able to punch through walls etc. since Dr. Manhattan is supposed to be the only person in their universe with any powers but I didn’t mind it. For me it added to the moment and showed just how determined the attacker was to be rid of Comedian. The special effects were great during the fight scene as well.

During that fight, one of my favorite scenes/images happened:

The way they showed the glass was amazing. It looked so realistic and you believed that this man had been tossed out of his apartment window. When he was falling in the air and down to the pavement many stories below, you never got the impression that it was green screened. I loved the effects that were used throughout the entire movie. They were never over done and that’s what made them so great. They were there to add reality and depth to the story but they never overshadowed anything.

Another thing I really loved is how they gave us more back story on all of the main characters. During the funeral for the Comedian we were given flashbacks from those who attended. It was great because it was real. At a funeral those who are there typically think of the memories they had with the deceased. I’m really glad they did it that way and it was true to the comic book.

Nite Owl remembered a time where they went to break up a riot. Instead of it being peaceful, Comedian started shooting and beating up on people.

They also showed flashbacks from Dr. Manhattans memories and another that I can’t remember right now. Around this time was when they introduced Rorschach, a fan favorite and I can easily see why. With Rorschach they did another amazing casting job. In fact, they did a great casting job for the entire film but I will admit that I was very nervous about Matthew Goode being Ozymandias. He pulled it off and I was thrilled about that.

Rorschach first entered the movie roaming the streets. He comes across the Comedians button on the pavement and uses a grappling hook to get him inside the apartment. I liked Rorchach because he wasn’t a fool. He saw the world for what it was and knew about the corruption. He definitely wasn’t a guy that could easily be duped. He had his principles and stuck to them, no matter what.

As soon as he set one foot inside the apartment he knew something went wrong. He knew somebody wanted the Comedian gone, but he didn’t know who. At first he thought it was somebody offing people with “masks” (super heroes) so he immediately went to Dr. Manhattan. If I was in his position I probably would have went to Dr. Manhattan as well.

One thing I will say that I really enjoyed about Rorschach was his mask. I loved how the “ink” on it constantly kept moving and creating new images. That was really well done.

When Rorschach got to Dr. Manhattans dwelling he found him tinkering away on a device that was meant for Ozymandias. The two of them were partnering up on a project that was supposed to help with the worlds energy crisis…. or at least that’s what Dr. Manhattan was lead to believe.

During the conversation between Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan we are finally introduced to Lori, A.K.A. Silk Spectre II who was played by Malin Akerman. Lori is the daughter of the original Silk Spectre, played by Carla Gugino, and a man whose identity wasn’t revealed until the later part of the movie.

Dr. Manhattan and Lori started off being in a relationship but as the movie progressed their relationship crumbled and it was nobodies fault. Ever since the incident, Jon (Dr. Manhattan) lacked that connection humans have with each other. Some could see it as a flaw but his eyes were opened to things that we couldn’t possibly imagine. Due to his “side effect” Dr. Manhattans relationship with Lori was affected but she continuously found comfort in the arms of Nite Owl.

Rorschach and his claims that the “masks” were threatened were dismissed by Dr. Manhattan so Rorschach was determined to figure it out on his own. Throughout different parts in the movie you get a monologue of his journal entries which were really well done. The moments in the movie where his entries can be heard fit with what is on the screen. You never get a sense of being lost or confused. Even if you never read the graphic novel you can easily follow along…. unless you lack a brain but then that is a completely different issue altogether.

The way they characters developed was nicely as well. For me, it never dragged nor did they progress too quickly. I never got the feeling like things were being rushed like in other movies. For example, a lot of die hard Star Wars fans whined and complained (rightfully so) about how quickly Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader. I’m not heavily into Star Wars and it even bothered me. With Watchmen you had none of that. Everything flowed nicely and went the same way it did in the comics which was refreshing.

The attention to detail throughout the movie was impeccable. Actual scenes from the comic were created, they used music from that era, and you truly were sucked in to that moment in time. Some people complained that the music used in the Watchmen trailers were never in the movie and as much as I would have liked to have heard “Take A Bow” by Muse (which has been stuck in my head ever since the movie came out BTW) or “The End is The Beginning is The End” by Smashing Pumpkins, it wouldn’t have fit. I’m glad that they kept with the tunes of the times even though some of them sort of sucked, like the song used when Lori and Nite Owl bump uglies.

Since Watchmen came out many people have thrown a bitch fit over Dr. Manhattan showing his big blue dong and I don’t understand why. For starters, it’s not a real penis. Also, Dr. Manhattan doesn’t have the same thought process as we do. He wouldn’t have felt shame or embarrassment. If anything, he would have felt comfortable and confident being completely starkers. I know that I could walk around the apartment all day long sans clothing but I don’t due to the fact that I leave our blinds open and I don’t think I need to be showing my “cash and prizes” to the neighbors.

I was surprised that more people didn’t get outraged over the Comedian shooting and killing the woman who was pregnant with his child, or the part involving the 6 year old girl. I will admit there were a couple of times I had to look away but it didn’t anger me nor do I judge the makers of the film for it.

I have a daughter and she is about to be 6 so the part of the movie with the little girl bothered me as a parent. I looked away when they showed her underwear in the black stove, when the two dogs were fighting over her poor leg, and when they showed the counter top covered in blood from them hacking her to bits. Do I think that it should have been taken out of the movie? No. Will it prevent me from watching Watchmen again? No. It was important to the story so I understand why it was included but I have the choice if I want to keep my eyes open during that part or not just like anybody else.

I was glad when Rorschach kicked the murderers ass. He deserved it and it would have been a very painful death - a meat cleaver to the head about a billion times.

Another thing I was surprised about was how people complained that the sex scene between Nite Owl and Lori was “gratuitous.” Get the hell out of here. You saw her bare breasts for about 20-30 seconds, you saw his man ass two different times in the movie for like 20 seconds total, and I’ve seen worse in other movies where not one word is said.

People have sex. In order to have sex, naughty bits need to be exposed. Did I see Nite Owls jingly janglies on the big screen? Nooo. Was there Silk Spectre vagina flashed about? Nope. So you saw his bare ass giving a few thrusts… big deal!!

The movie was rated “R” for a reason and it states why it is rated that way. If people neglect to notice that detail then it is their fault and not that of Zack Snyder and Co.

Some other violent highlights in the movie happened when Rorschach is in jail. Towards the middle of the movie Rorschach gets information that will help lead him to Comedians killer but he needs to ask some questions. He visits Moloch for a second time (first was asking why he attended Comedians funeral) and while he is spewing out questions, he notices that somebody has killed Moloch. At this time the police arrive and it dawns on Rorschach that he was set-up. Rorschach puts up a fight but is eventually captured.

While in jail he gets threats from the fellow inmates that they are going to finally get him since a vast majority of them were put in jail by Rorschach. During a meal time one of the inmates starts mouthing off to him and Rorschach grabs the fryer pan, with all of the hot oil, and pours it on the guy. So freaking amazing and yet painful to watch.

Another part was when they were trying to break into his cell. A guy stuck his arms in through the grates but Rorschach grabbed them, broke them, and bound them together with a cloth. In order to cut open the lock, the mans arms had to be cut off. Totally brutal but very realistic.

One of the CGI highlights was Dr. Manhattan. Every scene he was in was flawless. I never thought he was over done, I never thought he was fake, and he looked so real that he could have been sitting right next to me. Whoever was responsible for working on him is truly amazing. They did a fantastic job.

The very end of the movie has everybody at Karnak, Ozymandias’ hideout. Nite Owl and Rorschach arrive together (after Rorschach figures out that Ozymandias is the one behind it all), Lori and Dr. Manhattan arrive together after their brief stint on Mars (where Lori convinces Jon to come back to Earth and help them with Ozymandias, she also finds out that her father was the Comedian even though years before her conception he tried to rape her mother), and all of them start to let Ozymandias have it.

Unfortunately they arrive too late and he already set off an explosion in New York that killed thousands. Using the device from Dr. Manhattan, Ozymandias sets it up using the same energy frequencies so that it looks like Dr. M was the one who caused it. As a result, tensions between the United States and U.S.S.R cease and there is a peace between the two nations.

Ozymandias explains that in order to save millions sometimes you have to sacrifice thousands. Rorschach wasn’t having it and he was going to tell everybody exactly what happened. Dr. Manhattan realized that he couldn’t let Rorschach go through with that so he killed him and said goodbye to Lori.

The ending was different in the movie but it worked. It didn’t feel out of place and the way that everything had been set up by Ozymandias, you could easily see how Dr. Manhattan would take the blame. It worked out perfectly and I wasn’t disappointed. Come to think of it, the squid monster would have been awkward and there wouldn’t have been enough time to properly explain what it was, how it got there, it’s purpose… blah blah blah. The way it was done was just fine.

All in all, I really loved this movie. I can honestly say that this is the best comic movie ever, at least in my opinion. I know some people might ask me..”What about Iron Man? What about Dark Knight?” To answer that: The Dark Knight was great, don’t get me wrong, but if you took away Heath Ledgers performance you would have been left with an average movie. With Iron Man it was great but it was more of an action movie.

Watchmen made you think. It made you analyze the way that you life and the way our world is. It is an intelligent movie with depth and meaning. Sure there is violence, sure there is action, but that isn’t what this movie is about. It has a deeper purpose.

For the people with children reading this I wouldn’t suggest you take the little ones to it. There is a lot of realistic violence and like I said earlier, it is rated “R” for a reason. If the kids are adamant about attending, maybe go and see the movie yourself first and then make an educated decision whether the movie is appropriate for them and whether they are mature enough to handle the material that is presented in the film.

I highly recommend this movie for those who have read the graphic novel and for those who haven’t, so if you have yet to see the movie then stop reading this and go now!

- She Who Has The Last Word

lindsey Uncategorized , ,

Year 1 Episode 10 Recap

March 8th, 2009

Episode 10 was almost exclusively focused on our experience with the Watchmen movie midnight premiere the previous night.  There was brief discussion of other topics, but the main topic was Watchmen.  We had planned on a short episode before heading out to see Watchmen again, but were so exhausted that we didn’t make it out.  Given that, the show is a bit shorter than usual, because we had prepared no other topics!

Episode discussion at:

chris Uncategorized , , , , ,

Watchmen Review (Brief)

March 7th, 2009

This will be a fairly short and succinct review.   A longer and more detailed review will be up later today or tomorrow courtesy of Lindsey.

I have been a fan of Watchmen since the late 80s/early 90s (it came out in 1986/1987, but I didn’t catch it until a few years later).  It was a brilliant graphic novel that was extremely well written (Alan Moore is widely recognized as fantastic).  When Lindsey and I heard that a movie adaptation was to be released, I was very worried.  After all, I had good reason to be, given the sheer volume of amazing comics with unbearable adaptations.  Why should this be any different?  Perhaps it would be another Daredevil?  Maybe another Spider-Man 3?  How about another X-Men series?  Or another Fantastic Four (a stab to my heart, more than any other)?  How can I trust an industry who doesn’t care, and has shown their lack of comic compassion?

Even after seeing the trailers, I went in with low to average expectations.  After the many times that my hopes and dreams had been dashed against the rocks of mediocrity, I have given myself the gift of low expectations.  After all, if you have low expectations, you’re either proven right, or you’re pleasantly surprised.  It’s win-win (even though it’s not).

To say I was pleasantly surprised would be a gross understatement.  As Wil Wheaton said to Zack Snyder:

“I just wanted to tell you that I’ve wanted to see this movie for twenty years.  I just wanted to say thank you for making it worth the wait.”

I can’t put it any better than that.  It is the perfect sentiment and perfect review for this movie, in two simple sentences.  That’s how good it was.

The cinematography was amazing.  The special effects were brilliant.  They weren’t overdone or badly done.  They were exactly what was needed for the movie.  The sound was wonderful.  The colors, the lighting, the scene setup, the few moments of 300-esque slow motion shots (not overdone as they were in 300)…it was exquisite.  The casting was spot on.  They could not have done a better job casting this movie.  The Comedian was perfect.  Rorschach was perfect.  Dr. Manhattan was perfect (and didn’t look like a special effects nightmare, he was completely believable as a real entity).  Nite Owl was perfect.  Silk Spectre was perfect.  Ozymandias was perfect.  I was completely content with all of the choices that Zack Snyder and Co. made.


Utterly fucking brilliant.

-Because I said so

chris Uncategorized , ,

Waiting for Watchmen

March 6th, 2009

Last night Chris and I attended the midnight premiere for Watchmen, and it was epic. Both Chris and I will be making a blog with our own personal reviews however this particular blog is to clue you in about the idiots we had to tolerate for 2 hours prior to the movie starting.

Earlier in the day we had picked up our tickets and some snackies because, let’s be honest, the prices for snacks at the theatre are absolutely ridiculous.

After doing some other things throughout the day we got ready and headed off to Edwards Theatre. Immediately we were shocked that there wasn’t a line outside. I made a remark to Chris that since it was cold, maybe they were allowing the line to be inside. He quickly disputed my idea stating that when the third Matrix movie was released it was December and they had the lines outside. Listening to him, I thought that maybe in the Fresno/Clovis area there weren’t a lot of Watchmen fans.

Since we already had our tickets we went on in and Chris asked if they were allowing the line to be inside, in which he was answered with a “yes.” Ah HAH! I was correct!

Chris had already eaten but I was starved but at 10:00 pm, my choices in the area were really limited. Most of the eating establishments in the area were closed so I had to accept my fate and get raped by the concession stand. Chris went to get our place in line while I proceeded to order. The hotdog I got was gross. The bun was dry and I seriously wanted to die after eating it. The soft pretzel I got was just OK but for some reason the salt on it really crunched between my teeth and I got worried! I thought… “oh great, here I go cracking a tooth on something so silly as salt.” Luckily my chompers were fine (tomorrow is a different story for when I go to the dentist…ugh) and I think I had like 8 sips from the large soda I got.

$5.50 for a large soda! I couldn’t believe it!

I thought I as going to have a heart attack because, and this might make me sound old, I remember a time where I could get a large soda for under $2.50. What made me shake my head was the fact that a medium was $5.00 yet for 50 cents more you could get the large which was significantly larger and came with free refills. What a fucking jip!

Anyhoo… luck was on our side because we got to actually sit in the theatre and wait rather than having to wait outside or stand for an hour and a half however I got the wonderful honor of having some asshole sitting next to me.

Chris was tired and fell asleep on my shoulder for a little over an hour so he didn’t get the pleasure of hearing the douche.

Here is how it went:

A guy sat two seats to the right of me and he was fine. Very quiet, kept to himself, no problem. 15 minutes after he sat down a large group of his friends arrived. He moved further down, closer to the aisle, and I got some loud mouth prick 3 seats away.

I really wanted to smack the guy… but I refrained.

This guy was under the sad assumption that he was indeed Chris Rock. I got to hear him rattle on and on about comic movies. Hearing him rant about comic movies made me sick to my stomach because geeks have a bad rep as is. We don’t need this dick making us look worse.

He constantly used the word son as in, “Yo, that shit was tight son!” I also got to hear “n***a” an obscene amount of times.

“Oh fuck Spiderman son! Fucking Peter Parker is a broke ass n***a!”

“Watchmen is like X-Men on drugs son. It’s a dark ass comic.”

“Iron Man is a straight up pimp. He’s got money, bitches, and a suit made of iron n***a!”

Never in my life have I valued the true English language until last night.

After more of his stupid comments Chris finlly woke up, just in time for them to air “The Twenty” which is a segment that lasts for 20 minutes right before the previews begin. Sometimes they show some decent stuff like trivia, spoilers for popular TV shows, and other stuff.

Instead of getting something good we got to hear/see (for the millionth time mind you) Kid Rocks shitty song about the military. It’s not a good song, he can’t sing to save his life, and I really don’t care to hear it while I am waiting for a movie.

Finally after suffering through about two hours of bullshit the lights went down, the previews started, and that is where this blog will end because what happened after that is meant for an entirely different blog.

Fun times though, eh?

- She Who Has The Last Word

lindsey Uncategorized , , , , , ,

Watchmen Muzak

March 5th, 2009

We’re sitting here in the theater with a little under two hours to go before the start of the movie. They’re playing music at a muted level for us while we wait. It’s dreadful.


It’s so bad that I felt the need to blog about how bad it was.

That’s bad.

-Because I said so

chris Uncategorized , , , ,

Year 1 Episode 9 Recap

February 28th, 2009

Hello everybody,

Sorry this blog is coming so late in the day but today has been rather interesting and I will be making a separate blog about that. Last night was our ninth episode and all I can say is wow. 9 episodes.

We started by showing off our new webcam we purchased this past week. We no longer have to bring in lamps from different rooms but the big downside is that for some reason it looks like it’s further back yet it is in the same location we used with the old one. While this does give a bigger picture of our living room and our bookshelves filled with DVD’s, you no longer get the close-ups of us and that sort of bothers us. Oh well.

Another new feature to the show was our dog, Donnie. He just came over with us this past Tuesday and he spent most of the time curled up on the couch next to me since he is a Mama’s Boy.

Throughout the show we discussed what we have been doing this past week, introduced a new show segment featuring strange news from around the world, did a Heroes recap and even shared some spoilers, and discussed movie news. We even mentioned that our tickets for the Watchmen midnight premiere have been purchased. Hopefully we enjoy it and it doesn’t become another shitty comic book movie. That would be most unfortunate.

What I couldn’t believe was that the show lasted 3 hours long, we didn’t run out of topics to discuss, and we had many live viewers! At one time we had 14 and the chat room was very interactive which was fantastic.

As for next week, I can’t guarantee that we will have a long broadcast. Even though Chris and I will be attending the Watchmen midnight premiere I neglected to purchase the tickets for the IMAX showing of it so we will probably be watching it later on that evening. Odds are most of our viewers will be out as well. I can say that we will still aim to give a minimum of an hour but don’t hold me to it!

One last thing we did was introduce a new weekly thing we are going to be doing. We are going to ask our viewers a question during each show and they will (hopefully) submit to us their answers. On the following show we will read the answers live and then go from there.

The question we chose for this week was: What additional features would you like to see added to World of Meh? This can include the blogsite, the show itself, and even our new forums.

You can either submit your replies over our Myspaces, through a comment on this blog, to our emails, or on the forums.

My email is: [email protected] and you can reach Chris at [email protected]  (original, eh?)

Well, thanks again for a great show and we will be seeing you all live this next Friday!


Episode discussion at:

- She Who Has The Last Word

lindsey Uncategorized , , , , , ,