Posts Tagged ‘silly’
Waiting for Watchmen
March 6th, 2009 by lindsey
Last night Chris and I attended the midnight premiere for Watchmen, and it was epic. Both Chris and I will be making a blog with our own personal reviews however this particular blog is to clue you in about the idiots we had to tolerate for 2 hours prior to the movie starting.
Earlier in the [...]
Tags: ass, movie, shit, silly, stupidity, Watchmen, WTF?
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The Lugubrious Lumberjack
March 5th, 2009 by chris
Herein lies the lament of the lumberjack. Before witnessing his woeful wailings, discern his dismal downfall:
Skip a bit to about 3:45 for the tale of the lumberjack, or watch the lovely story about the pet parrot first (a very touching story about a man and his Norwegian Blue).
I’ll give you a few moments to digest.
All [...]
Tags: Lumberjack, Monty Python, poetry, silly, youtube
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March 4th, 2009 by chris
A few weeks ago I submitted a support ticket to my company’s IT department regarding my mouse. It was a standard optical mouse, and for the most part worked fine, except for the scroll wheel, which refused to scroll. I use the scroll wheel often, so this was a problem. I requested a replacement mouse, [...]
Tags: mouse, shit, silly, stupidity, WTF?
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March 3rd, 2009 by chris
I’ve had all I can stand, and I can’t stands no more! How much can a man take before he finally accepts the sweet, warm embrace of madness? What is a man’s breaking point? Where is the line drawn? How many straws until the last one? How many weights must be thrust upon a man’s [...]
Tags: Monty Python, silly
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Super Poopy Duper!
March 2nd, 2009 by lindsey
Around 2 PM today I took Donnie out for a walk so that he could do his business. To the right of our apartment door there is a nice grassy area that goes the entire length of the complex. I typically take him around that area instead of through gravel or on pavement.
I noticed that [...]
Tags: Donnie the Dog, neighbors, pets, shit, silly, walk, walks
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Donnie vs. Sliding Glass Door
February 28th, 2009 by lindsey
Our dog Donnie finally came here with us earlier this week on Tuesday. The transition from him being solely outside to the apartment has been very smooth, and expensive.
Right around the time we got him last year we purchased a squeaky toy that looks just like a squirrel. Ty, the beanie baby company, makes them [...]
Tags: ass, Donnie the Dog, glass door, pets, silly, sliding glass door, squirly, stupidity, WTF?
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Year 1 Episode 9 Recap
February 28th, 2009 by lindsey
Hello everybody,
Sorry this blog is coming so late in the day but today has been rather interesting and I will be making a separate blog about that. Last night was our ninth episode and all I can say is wow. 9 episodes.
We started by showing off our new webcam we purchased this past week. We [...]
Tags: Donnie the Dog, episode, Introduction, MehCast, silly, ustream, Watchmen
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Introducing our new “Inquiries Presented More Often Than Not” page!
February 26th, 2009 by chris
Oftentimes, people will have inquiries that are more common than not. These inquiries, more often than not, will be presented to a person of supposed authority on the subject at hand, with the assumption that they will be able to provide an answer to the inquiry.
We have received one such inquiry.
Sort of.
To be proactive, an [...]
Tags: IPMOTN, silly
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The Dark Kung Fu Knight Panda
February 23rd, 2009 by chris
So Lindsey sends me an IM today mentioning that Target is having a sale on DVDs. She mentions Wall-E, then The Dark Knight and Kung Fu Panda. For various reasons, we do not yet own The Dark Knight or Kung Fu Panda, which, for me, is very strange. I have a very large collection of [...]
Tags: Kung Fu Panda, movies, silly, The Dark Knight, The Dark Kung Fu Knight Panda, WTF?
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The Twitter Gestapo!
February 22nd, 2009 by lindsey
Yesterday, while playing Animal Crossing, Chris and I decided to check out the Married Gamers (Chris and Kelly) live podcast on Ustream. It was really entertaining and we found ourselves laughing a lot. Towards the end of their podcast they mentioned that they were going to get some lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Chris was in the [...]
Tags: @leftybrown, @mrsleftybrown, @mscloviseskimo, Animal Crossing: City Folk, ass, best buy, cali's, iPhone, married gamers, red robin, silly, stupidity, tweet up, twitter, Video games, Wii, WTF?
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