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New Musical Cannon Trailer for A World of Keflings

The countdown has officially begun: A World of Keflingswill be available in 2 days. Did you just hear that? That strange high-pitched squeal? Oh yes, that was me dying from excitement.

Today, NinjaBee Games released this cute little trailer showing off all of the amazing things you can do with the cannons in the game. If you had no idea that cannons would be in the game, then it’s obvious you didn’t watch the trailer I posted months ago that had them front and center.

In this new trailer, we are given about a minute and a half of pure genius. The first two songs are classics that should be familiar to you all, like Messiah by Handel, while the other two are things I have a feeling I should know but haven’t got a clue at the moment. This video clearly shows how you can really have a lot of fun while playing A World of Keflings, and how you can add to the replay value. It makes me wonder how many YouTube videos will be up in the future showing gamers covering popular songs with the Keflings cannons.

Per the official press release:

Designed as an end-game feature, musical cannons give players extended gameplay possibilities once they’ve completed the game’s story and finished building their Kefling kingdoms. Throughout the course of the game players collect gears which they can use to build musical cannons. By the end of the game players can build more than 80 cannons to compose with. Each cannon can be assigned a different voice (instrument) to sound when a Kefling is fired from it. With more than 80 distinct instruments to choose from and a slew of firing effects, the musical possibilities are endless!

A World of Keflings will be out on December 22nd for XBLA, and will be priced for only 800 Microsoft Points.

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Lindsey - who has written 353 posts on Marooners' Rock.

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