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Missing Monday

Some of you may have noticed that our recent streak of weekday productivity was broken yesterday.  Do not take this as a sign of things to come!  We had a catastrophe on Sunday (which Lindsey will go into more detail on later in the day), and we had a family member come to stay with us yesterday after a minor surgery, so our attention has, unfortunately, been directed elsewhere.  But hey, this counts as new content, so we’re back on track!  Make sure to keep an eye out for at least two more posts today!

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This post was written by:

- who has written 918 posts on Marooners' Rock.

Chris is a co-founder and PR manager for Marooners' Rock.

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2 Responses to “Missing Monday”

  1. deaf_omega says:

    Best wishes and get well thoughts to your loved ones


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About Marooners’ Rock

Everyone grows up; this is how the world works. Just because we grow decrepit and old, however, does not mean we have to forsake the things that make us happy, childish though they may seem. This is the core concept of Marooners’ Rock; we geek out on the things of our past, present, and future. Society and cultural norms be damned!

For more detail, please see our About page.