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One year ago…

The date, February 19, 2008.

The time, 8:50pm.

The place, AT&T corporate store at 5180 N Blackstone Ave, in Fresno.

The situation:

For our two month anniversary (two monthaversary, twoaversary, whatever), we decided to purchase new cell phones for each other.  I had wanted an iPhone since before there was even speculation about iPhones.  She wanted a Sidekick LX.  We had spent a great deal of time at a T-Mobile store at 5180 N Palm Ave, but, because of a technical error that was made, I was unable to purchase her Sidekick until the next day.  Since we had spent so much time there, we did not have enough time to make it all the way to the Apple Store at 667 East Shaw Avenue, so we made haste to the nearest corporate AT&T store (mentioned above).  We arrived shortly before closing, and she was able to purchase a 16GB, first generation (the only generation, at the time) iPhone for the man she loves so dearly.  The next day, while wearing my most comfortable work slacks (which, unfortunately, have highly angled pockets, giving case hooks a tenuous grip, at best), the phone fell to the cement.  I noticed no immediate issue; however, eventually, an issue made itself known.  If you do not know this already, the iPhone battery is not removable.  It is soldered to the motherboard, and the power is transferred through three soldered wires, rather than a connection point like most cell phones posess.  Unfortunately, the drop had loosened the battery, which was no longer adhered to the motherboard.  As it moved around, the already weak solder (weak from the impact of the drop) on the third wire gave up, causing the phone to start turning off at random.  Being a natural MacGuyver, I opened the casing, superglued the battery to the motherboard, and scotch taped the loose wire back into place.  Every now and then, I have to reapply the tape, but for the most part, it works just fine.


Lindsey got sick of my twomonthaversary gift, her Sidekick LX, and wanted something with more functionality.  Having suggested that she also get an iPhone almost a year ago, I was not surprised (I wasn’t surprised, just RIGHT, and she admitted it on Friday night after the MehCast while we were in the Farmer Boys drive thru).  To make her happy, I deviously managed to get us to the very same AT&T store we visited almost one year ago without her suspecting a single thing.  A SINGLE THING!  She’ll deny it, but remember, she said that I was RIGHT, and that now counts for absolutely everything we differ on.  Anyway, we went in, and I purchased a brand new 8GB 3G iPhone for the lady I love so dearly.  We go home, and what should happen not a few hours later?

She drops it.

Oh, yes.  She drops it.

I have had to put up with almost one full year of unending crap from her about having dropped my phone the day after she gave it to me as a gift, and what happens when she gets her own?  SHE DROPS IT ON THE FIRST DAY!

I have now started my one year of revenge, wherein I will give her crap about having dropped her iPhone.

Justice is sweet.

-Because I said so

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- who has written 918 posts on Marooners' Rock.

Chris is a co-founder and PR manager for Marooners' Rock.

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Everyone grows up; this is how the world works. Just because we grow decrepit and old, however, does not mean we have to forsake the things that make us happy, childish though they may seem. This is the core concept of Marooners’ Rock; we geek out on the things of our past, present, and future. Society and cultural norms be damned!

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